Thursday, November 21, 2013


Good evening ladies and germs, welcome to the week 11 recap. We are getting so close to the playoffs and I'm sure many of us can practically taste the victory! Week 11 was full of ups and downs as four teams in our league had 20 bonus points from volleyball victory (BLOOD MAKES THE GRASS GROW.  KILL!  KILL!  KILL!). But now, for a civilized touch, we bring you the recap, told this week in haiku form, because, of course:

1. DC Khaleesi (8-3)
Peyton was human
Luckily in fantasy
There is Allison

2. Think Like a Manning (7-4)
Is Nick Foles for realz?
Marshawn was the team’s Lynch pin
Surprise bonus points!

3. Bukkickers (7-4)
C. Johnson scored big
R. Rice finally showed up
So close to second!

4. Love Me Harbaughs (7-4)
Fleener, Stanford proud
But the biggest crush is still
Glennon to Jackson

5. Double Ent-Andres (6-5)
Trade deadline is nigh
Dirty trades are Jon’s Forte
It never gets old

6. Crannogmen (6-5)
With fiancee gone
Mad volleyball skills surpassed
Relationship bliss

7. Tebow’s Tingle (6-5)
Seattle crushed it
Bonus points carried the team
Nine-tenths of a point!

8. Sunday Funday (6-5)
RGIII played well
Redskin is still offensive
Some things never change

9. TEAM(youbetta)TWERK (6-5)
Victory was sweet
For a minute. Just until
It was snatched away

10. Touchdown Yeezus (4-7)
Playoff hopes are grim
Third loss due to bonus points
Who made these dumb rules?

11. Lightning McCoy (2-9)
She’s the real McCoy
Playoff runs could be ended
By this revived team

12. 50ShadesofRay(Lewis) (1-10)
Don’t set your lineup
You’re doing such a great job
Letting us all win

Due to the holidays, there won't be a scavenger hunt for bonus points, but if you dress up as a pilgrim or indian (native american) for Stress-Free Thanksgiving, you’ll get 5 bonus points for this week! Photos will be accepted for those who can’t attend.

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